Counting Up to Solve 75 − 38:

  1. Solve the following problems mentally. Use either Ana's, Jerome's, Tanya's, or Sara's strategy. Talk with a partner about your solutions. Be ready to discuss your solutions with the class. Use at least two different methods.
    1. 63 − 29
    2. 125 − 94
    3. 286 − 85
    4. 5008 − 4995

Check-In: Questions 14–17

  1. Solve using any strategy or method you wish. You can refer to the Subtraction Strategies Menu in your Student Activity Book. Show your strategy and how you checked your answer.

  2. Choose one problem from Question 14 to solve using a mental math strategy. Explain your thinking.
  3. Joe had 236 Chocos to sell on Wednesday. At the end of the day he had 144. How many Chocos did Joe sell on Wednesday? Solve using expanded form.
  4. Solve 238 − 67 using base-ten pieces and a recording sheet.