
Parentheses say that the calculations inside should be done first. Here the parentheses say to subtract first:

In the example below, the parentheses say to multiply first. That is the same order the operations would be done if there were no parentheses, so the parentheses aren't needed. They can be used to help avoid confusion.

Order of Operations

  • Do calculations in parentheses first.
  • Do all multiplications and divisions in order from left to right.
  • Then do all additions and subtractions in order from left to right.
  1. Find the values of the following expressions:
    1. (6 3) + 4
    2. 6 (3 + 4)
    3. (12 ÷ 4) 2
    4. 12 ÷ (4 − 2)
    5. (24 ÷ 4) 2
    6. 24 ÷ (4 2)
    7. (12 − 4) ÷ 2 + 3
    8. 12 − 4 ÷ 2 + 3
  2. Suppose you have a calculator but you don't know whether it uses the correct order of operations. Explain how you can find out. Show example expressions.