Check-In: Question 30

  1. Your cousin has learned the compact method of multiplication but not any other paper-and-pencil methods. Write a letter to him explaining the expanded form. In your letter, make sure to do the following:
    • compare the expanded form to the compact method
    • use examples of problems
    • show what computations are the same and what computations are different

Compare your class collection of multiplication strategies to those on the Multiplication Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers in the Student Activity Book. Add strategies not represented to the My Multiplication Strategies Menu, also in the Student Activity Book.

Do the following problems. First make a mental estimate of the answer. Then solve the problem. Compare your estimate with the answer.

  1. There are 24 hours in a day. How many hours are there in a week?
  2. North-South Airlines has two types of planes. One type of plane can carry 229 passengers and a smaller type can carry 142 passengers. Each plane flies between Minneapolis and Ft. Lauderdale five days each week. How many people can travel every week from Minneapolis to Ft. Lauderdale on North-South Airlines?
  3. An airplane has a cruising speed of about 558 miles per hour. About how far can the airplane travel in 3 hours?
  4. Another airplane flies at an average speed of 1336 miles per hour. How far can this aircraft travel in 3 hours?
    1. The Middle City Airport has 478 flights scheduled every day. How many flights are scheduled for an entire week?
    2. Explain your estimation strategy. Is your answer reasonable? Why or why not?