1. Name a number greater than 125 that is divisible by 3. Check your prediction.
  2. Name a number greater than 200 that is divisible by 3. Check your prediction.
  3. Use the numbers below to make predictions for Questions 14A–14C. Then check your predictions with a calculator.
  4. 1262093421771664
    1. Which of the numbers are divisible by 3?
    2. Which are divisible by 2?
    3. Which are divisible by 2 and 3?
  5. Is 12,345,678 divisible by 2? Divisible by 3? Check using your calculator.

Is It Divisible by 6?

    1. Find out which numbers in Question 14 are divisible by 6. Use a calculator.
    2. How can you determine if a number is divisible by 6? Find the multiples of 6 by skip counting by 6s on your 100 Chart. What do you notice?
    3. Based on the patterns you see, predict whether 12,345,678 (from Question 15) is divisible by 6. Check your prediction.
    1. Give a number greater than 150 that is divisible by 6.
    2. Give a number greater than 225 that is divisible by 6. Explain how you found your number.