1. Use your copy of the 100 Chart and your calculator to help you answer the following questions:
    1. Is 27 a multiple of 3? Write a multiplication sentence.
    2. Is 27 divisible by 3? Write a division sentence.
    3. Is 51 a multiple of 3? Write a multiplication sentence.
    4. Is 51 divisible by 3? Write a division sentence.
    1. Is 14 a multiple of 3? How do you know?
    2. If 14 is divided by 3, what is the remainder? Write a multiplication or division sentence. Remember to include the remainder.
    3. Use your calculator. Press:
      How does your calculator show whether 14 is divisible by 3? Is the answer a whole number?
  2. Is 74, 75, or 76 divisible by 3? Use your copy of the 100 Chart or a calculator to decide. Write a division sentence showing which number is divisible by 3.
  3. Look carefully at your 100 Chart. Write in more numbers below it if you need to.
    1. Predict: Is 101 divisible by 3? Check your prediction with a calculator.
    2. Predict: Is 102 divisible by 3? Check your prediction with a calculator.
    3. Predict: Which of the following is divisible by 3? 116, 117, or 118? Why do you think so? Check your prediction with a calculator.
  4. Mrs. Dewey started listing numbers from the 100 Chart that were divisible by 3. Then she made the table on the right. Roberto saw a pattern. Do you? Explain.