Solve the problems below using the strategies on the Multiplication Strategies Menu in the Student Activity Book.

  1. The students in Mrs. Dewey's class are Big Helpers for the students in Mrs. Gordon's kindergarten class. Each student has a kindergarten buddy. They meet together once every week. The students read books together, do service projects, and play games. Solve these problems using any method you choose.
    1. Each week the fourth-grade students read 27 books to their kindergarten buddies. What was the total number of books read during the first five weeks?
    2. Nine student pairs wrote letters to soldiers in foreign countries. Each pair sent one letter to 14 different soldiers. How many total letters were sent?
    3. Seven students made paper peace cranes to hang in the hall. In one month, each student made 35 cranes. How many cranes were made altogether that month?
    4. The students decided to raise money for a party. Each student sold six bars of chocolate. There were 24 fourth-grade students and 27 kindergarten students. How many total bars of chocolate were sold?
  2. Solve the following problems. You may use mental math strategies or paper-and-pencil methods. Show or tell how you solve each one. Choose at least two problems to solve using a mental math strategy.
    1. 91 6
    2. 59 4
    3. 7 68
    4. 26 7
    5. 85 4
    6. 99 8
    7. 54 8
    8. 6 50
  3. Choose one problem and show how you can estimate to make sure your answer makes sense.
  4. Choose a different problem and solve it another way. Then tell which of your two strategies worked better for the problem.
  5. Solve the following problems using any strategy you choose.
    1. 202 9
    2. 5 222
    3. 199 8
    4. 250 10