Solve these division problems mentally. Check your answers using a calculator.
- 8 ÷ 2
80 ÷ 2
800 ÷ 2
8000 ÷ 2 - 20 ÷ 10
200 ÷ 10
2000 ÷ 10
20,000 ÷ 10 - 27 ÷ 9
270 ÷ 9
2700 ÷ 9
27,000 ÷ 9 - 48 ÷ 6
480 ÷ 6
4800 ÷ 6
48,000 ÷ 6 - 5 ÷ 5
50 ÷ 50
500 ÷ 50
5000 ÷ 50
50,000 ÷ 50 - 28 ÷ 7
280 ÷ 70
2800 ÷ 70
28,000 ÷ 70
280,000 ÷ 700 - 42 ÷ 6
420 ÷ 60
4200 ÷ 60
42,000 ÷ 60
420,000 ÷ 6000 - 30 ÷ 5
300 ÷ 50
3000 ÷ 50
30,000 ÷ 50
300,000 ÷ 5000 - Show or tell how you solved the problems in Question 2B. If you used a rule, describe how the rule works.
Estimate each quotient. Show which multiplication facts you used to make your estimate.
- 346 ÷ 7
- Workers can fit eight math books into a box. About how many boxes will be needed to pack 590 books?
- There are eight pear trees in an orchard. This year, about 950 pears were picked from the trees. If about the same number of pears were picked from each tree, about how many pears were picked from each tree?
- Six boys have been selling candy to raise money to go to baseball camp. They will split all the money they raise equally. They have raised $4142.65, but they have to pay back about $500 for the candy before dividing the money.
- Show how you estimate about how much money each boy will get for baseball camp.
- If the camp costs $750 for each boy, about how much more money do the six boys have to raise altogether?