Another Division Problem
A box of marbles contains 737 marbles. If the marbles are to be shared equally among 8 children, how many marbles does each child get?
Nila wrote the problem like this:
“I make an estimate about the number of marbles I think each child will get. My first guess is 50. I write:
Since 8 50 = 400, this means I have taken care of 400 of the marbles. I still have 337 left to distribute. The 50 means each child has already gotten 50 marbles. Now I guess at how many more marbles I can give each child. I will use 30 since I cannot use 50 again, because it is too big. Now I have 97 left.”
This time I will try 10. Since 10 8 = 80, I have 17 left.”