1. Compare the following solutions to 379 ÷ 5. Discuss how they are the same and how they are different. Discuss why some solutions use fewer steps.
  2. Solve the following problems using the partial quotients method. Think about what you observed in Question 3 to help keep the number of steps small. Check to be sure your answers are reasonable.
    1. 562 ÷ 5
    2. 667 ÷ 5
    3. 274 ÷ 2
    4. 792 ÷ 7
    5. 987 ÷ 6
    6. 459 ÷ 8
    7. 2641 ÷ 9
  3. Use multiplication to show that your answers to Questions 4H and 4L are correct.

Check-In: Questions 6–9

  1. Sue has 204 lollipops. She is going to divide them into bunches of 8. How many bunches will she have? Will any lollipops be left over? Help Sue think through her solution.
    1. First try: ______ bunches of eight.
    2. You have used 10 ______, or ______ lollipops.
    3. What does the 80 mean?
    4. Second try: ______ bunches of eight.
    5. What does the 44 mean?
    6. Next try: ______ bunches of eight.
    7. How many bunches of 8 lollipops does she have?
    8. How many lollipops are left over?
  2. Three stores gave 363 toys for prizes at the school fair. Each store gave the same number of toys. How many toys did each store give?