- Sketch a four-sided polygon that has a right corner and no parallel sides. Label the shape “WW.” Place the shape in the appropriate section of the shape zoo.
- Sketch a parallelogram that is neither a rectangle nor a rhombus. Label the shape “VV.” Place the shape in the appropriate section of the shape zoo.
- Can a rectangle be a regular polygon? Explain.
- Can a parallelogram be a regular polygon? Why or why not?
- Look at the following shapes: F, I, M, R, V. Sort the shapes into groups.
- What attribute did you use?
- Draw and label a section for the zoo. Place the appropriate shapes into these sections.
- Look at the hexagons.
- How are they the same?
- How are they different?
- Are any of the hexagons regular hexagons? Which ones?

Use the Parallelogram Classification Challenge pages in the Student Activity Book to practice describing and classifying polygons.

Polygon Riddles
What shape am I? Use the clues to name the polygon. Draw a sketch of each shape.
- Only two of my sides are congruent. I am a triangle.
- I have four right angles. I am not a square.
- I am a quadrilateral. Only one set of my sides is parallel.
- I have five congruent sides and five congruent angles.
- I am a rectangle and a rhombus.
- I have three sides and one right angle. None of my sides are congruent.
- I have six sides. None of my sides are congruent.