Key Ideas in Unit 5 |
L1 SG |
L1 DPP |
L2 SG |
L3 SAB |
L4 SG |
L4 SG |
L5 SG |
L5 DPP |
L6 SG |
Unit 5 Expectations | |||||||||||||||||||
Math Content |
Number 1 Number Sense: Understand the base-ten number system, recognize relationships among quantities and numbers, and represent numbers in multiple ways. |
E1 |
Represent and identify fractions and ratios (e.g., proper, improper, mixed number) using area models, number lines, tables, graphs, words, and symbols. [5.NF.3] [MP1, 2, 3, 5] | ||||||||||||||||||
E2 |
Represent and identify the simplest form of a fraction or ratio using tools (e.g., area models) and multiplication and division strategies. [5.NF.1] [MP1, 2, 5] |
Number 3 Computation and Estimation: Use efficient and flexible procedures to compute accurately and make reasonable estimates. |
E3 |
Find equivalent fractions and ratios using tools (e.g., area models, number lines, tables, graphs) and multiplication and division strategies. (Algebra 4) [5.NF.1] [MP1, 2, 3, 5, 6] | ||||||||||||||||||
E4 |
Use ratios to solve problems. [5.NF.5] [MP1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] |
Measurement 2 Measurement Skills: Use measurement tools, appropriate techniques, and formulas to determine measurements. |
E5 |
Measure length in inches and yards. [5.MD.2] [MP5] | ||||||||||||||||||
E6 |
Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., seconds to hours and feet to yards). (Algebra 4) [5.MD.1] [MP1, 2, 5] |
Data 2 Data Representation: Select and create appropriate representations, including tables and graphs, for organizing, displaying, and analyzing data. |
E7 |
Make a point graph and draw a best-fit line. (Algebra 2) [5.G.2; 5.OA.3] [MP1, 4, 7] |
Data 4 Using Data: Apply relationships and patterns in data to solve problems, develop generalizations, and make predictions. |
E8 |
Make predictions and generalizations using tables and graphs. (Algebra 4) [5.G.2] [MP1, 2, 3, 5, 7] | ||||||||||||||||||
E9 |
Describe how the change in one variable in an investigation relates to a change in a second variable. (Algebra 1) [5.OA.3] [MP1, 3, 5, 7] | ||||||||||||||||||
Math Facts |
Number 3 Computation and Estimation: Use efficient and flexible procedures to compute accurately and make reasonable estimates. |
E10 |
Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication and division facts for the square numbers. | ||||||||||||||||||
Math Practices |
MPE1 | Know the problem. I read the problem carefully. I know the questions to answer and what information is important. | ||||||||||||||||||
MPE2 | Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem. | ||||||||||||||||||
MPE3 | Check for reasonableness. I look back at my solution to see if my answer makes sense. If it does not, I try again. | ||||||||||||||||||
MPE4 | Check my calculations. If I make mistakes, I correct them. | ||||||||||||||||||
MPE5 | Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so that someone else can understand my thinking. | ||||||||||||||||||
MPE6 | Use labels. I use labels to show what numbers mean. |