Students use multiple representations and real-world contexts to extend their understanding of fractions to include ratios. Students review the use of circle pieces, number lines, and symbols to represent and identify fractions and ratios. Students use multiplication and division strategies for finding the simplest form of a fraction. Students solve problems involving ratios that include converting between units of measure within a standard measurement system.

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Represent and identify fractions and ratios (e.g., proper, improper, mixed number) using area models, number lines, tables, graphs, words, and symbols.
E2* Represent and identify the simplest form of a fraction or ratio using tools (e.g., area models) and multiplication and division strategies.
E3 Find equivalent fractions and ratios using tools (e.g., area models, number lines, tables, graphs) and multiplication and division strategies.
E4 Use ratios to solve problems.
E5 Measure length in inches and yards.
E6 Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., seconds to hours and feet to yards).
E7 Make a point graph and draw a best-fit line.
E8 Make predictions and generalizations using tables and graphs.
E9 Describe how the change in one variable in an investigation relates to a change in a second variable.
E10* Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication and division facts for the square numbers.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation