Lesson 8

Workshop: Multiplication Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Homework and Practice

  • Students can complete the problems they chose to solve on the Practice Multiplication Strategies pages in the Student Activity Book and those on the Workshop: Multiplication Strategies pages in the Student Guide as homework.
  • Students can play Multiplication Digits Game with a family member for homework. Send home copies of the Multiplication Digits Game Master if needed. Students can make a set of 0–9 Digit Cards on slips of paper, or use playing cards using the ace for 1, 2 through 9, and the jack for 0.
  • Assign DPP items CC–HH. In Bits CC, EE, and GG, students practice finding sums and differences with mental math strategies. In Tasks DD and FF, students compare and order fractions using number lines and benchmarks. In Task HH, students find the area of an irregular shape using a grid.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 7–8. In Part 7, students practice strategies for solving multidigit multiplication. In Part 8, students practice solving multistep problems involving area and multiplication and division.