Lesson 3

Explore Multiplication by Multidigit Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Multiplication Using Mental Math and Invented Strategies

Ask students to read the opening vignette on the Explore Multiplication by Multidigit Numbers pages in the Student Guide. Ask students to work in pairs to solve the problems in Questions 1–2. Encourage students to solve the problems by breaking the numbers into parts or using simpler numbers. Ask volunteers to record their strategies on the board or chart paper and to explain them to the class.

  • Does anyone have a question about [student name]'s strategy?
  • Did anyone solve the problem in a different way?

See Figure 1 and the Sample Dialog 1 for possible solutions to these problems.

Use this Sample Dialog to guide the discussion of strategies for solving 49 × 20 and 24 × 15.

Teacher: Who would like to share their strategy for solving the problem?

Romesh: I just did 50 × 20 and then went one back.

Teacher: What do you mean by “one back”?

Romesh: Well, 50 × 20 is easy. That's like 50 × 2 × 10, so it's 100 × 10. That's 1000. But then I have one 20 too much, so I subtracted 20. Then I get 1000 − 20 = 980.

Teacher: Another invented strategy?

Tanya: I broke 20 into 2 × 10 first, too.

Teacher: Okay. Why did you decide to try that?

Tanya: Well, because 49 × 2 is just doubling and multiplying by 10 is easy.

Teacher: Okay, so what did you do then?

Tanya: I went, 49 doubled is 98 and 98 × 10 is 980.

Teacher: Good thinking. Ana, please tell us about your thinking for Question 2. What did you multiply?

Ana: I multiplied 24 × 15, and I just started doubling.

Teacher: What did you double?

Ana: I started with 15 and I doubled it to get 30, so that is 15 × 2. Then I doubled that and that makes 60 for 15 × 4. [Points to her work on the board as shown in Figure 1.] Then I realized that I had twenty 15s to go, but 20 × 15 is easy. It's 15 × 2 × 10 or 30 × 10 = 300. I added 60 + 300 for 360.

  • Are there any simpler numbers we can use to make the calculation easier?
  • What are some numbers that are simpler to multiply and are close to 49? (49 is close to 50)
  • What if you replace 49 with 50, what is the new product? (50 × 20 = 1000)
  • What do you need to do to adjust for 49 being 1 more than 50? (Subtract 20 from 1000; 1000 − 20 = 980.)

Students may demonstrate a range of methods to solve the problem that include everything from informal counting and repeated addition to more formal algorithms. It is important that students are allowed to begin with a strategy that makes sense to them, rather than having everyone solve the problem with a standardized algorithm. It may take a few minutes for students to construct their own methods. Some may need time to get “unstuck”; others may try several methods until they find one that works.

A wide variety of strategies are possible for these problems, and many of them highlight different important aspects of multiplication. Figure 1 and the sample dialog demonstrate how students might approach the multiplication with these informal strategies. As students progress through the unit, they will continue to develop increasingly efficient methods.

Once different strategies have been recorded, ask students to compare their strategies.

  • How are these strategies alike? (Possible response: Tanya and Ana both used doubling to help them solve their problems. Ana and Tanya also broke numbers apart to make them easier to use. Ana broke 24 into 20 + 4 and Tanya broke 20 into 10 × 2.)
  • How are these strategies different? (Possible response: Romesh used convenient numbers to find his answer. He did not break any number apart but he used a multiple of 10. Ana and Tanya each used multiples of 10 to help them find their answers, also.)
  • Which strategies work well with larger numbers? (Answers will vary from student to student. Possible response: I think using convenient numbers helps with larger numbers because you can use easier numbers. I think using strategies like doubling can help with larger numbers.)
  • Which strategy helps you understand multiplication better? Why? (Possible response: When you break apart a number into the tens and ones it helps you see each of the steps that you take when you multiply. Like when you multiply 24 × 15 and you can multiply 4 × 15 = 60 and 20 × 15 = 300 and then add 30 + 60 = 360.)

An expression such as: 50 × 20 − 1 × 20 can be written using parentheses as: (50 × 20) − (1 × 20) to help make the expression more readable and easier to calculate. The parentheses also direct us to do the operation(s) inside of them first. So, parentheses used this way are helpful in mathematics for two reasons. First, they help organize the expression visually. Second, they tell us clearly in which order operations should be done without having to consider formal rules for the order of operations (i.e., exponents first, then multiplication or division, then addition or subtraction). Another way to approach this problem is to rewrite 49 × 20 as 20 × (50 − 1). Then using the distributive property, the expression again becomes 20 × 50 − 20 × 1, which may be a simpler mental calculation than the original 49 × 20.

Invented multiplication strategies from Sample Dialog for Questions 1–2 in the Student Guide