Lesson 7

Problem Solving with Volume

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Use the Find the Volume Assessment Master and the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to solve multistep problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division [E7]; use multiplication and division strategies to find the volume of boxes [E9]; know the problem [MPE1]; find a strategy [MPE2]; show work [MPE5]; and use labels [MPE6].

To summarize the lesson, discuss one or two questions from the Find the Volume Assessment Master. In Question 1, students are given the dimensions of Box A so they can find its volume. They are given the length and width of Box B, and a volume identical to Box A, and are asked to find its height.

  • What is the question to answer? (What is the height of Box B?)
  • What information is important in the problem? What do you know starting out? (Possible responses: The volumes are identical; the dimensions of Box A; the length and width of Box B.)
  • Who would like to explain the steps they took to solve the problem? (Possible response: First I found the volume of Box A: 20 cm × 18 cm × 7 cm = 2,520 cm3. I multiplied Box B's length times its width: 12 cm × 15 cm = 180 cm2. Then, I divided the volume 2,520 cm3 by 180 cm2 and got 14 cm. Box B's height is 14 cm.)
  • What did you do to check to see if your answer was reasonable? (Possible responses: Since their volumes were the same, a height of 14 cm seemed reasonable when I compared Box B's dimensions to Box A's dimensions; I multiplied the length times the width times my height answer to see if I got a volume of 2,520 cm3.)
  • How did you label your answer? (It was the height so just centimeters, not cubic centimeters.)

In Question 2, students are shown a 3-cube shape and given the shape's length as well as two of the cubes' lengths. They are asked to find the volume of the shape. Repeat the previous prompts to discuss students' solution strategies. See Figure 3 for a sample solution.

Assign the Multiply to Find Volume pages in the Student Activity Book for homework.

Possible solution strategy to Question 2 of Find the Volume Assessment Master