Lesson 3

Explore Multiplication by Multidigit Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 3. Two-Digit Multiplication Using Expanded Form

Direct Students to the using Expanded Form section of the Explore Multiplication by Multidigit Numbers pages in the Student Guide. In the opening vignette, Shannon makes a connection between Roberto's rectangle model and using expanded form to multiply. Ask students to read and study Shannon's expanded form strategy and then answer Question 7 with a partner.

In Question 8, students explore the differences between the expanded method for addition and the expanded method for multiplication. The rectangle model illustrates why every term is multiplied by every other term in multiplication (i.e., the distributive property of multiplication over addition).

Assign Check-In: Questions 9–11. Students should complete these questions independently in order to check their understanding of multiplication strategies. Before the students begin their work, refer them to the Math Practices page in the Student Guide Reference section. For these problem solving questions, focus on Math Practices Expectations 2 and 4.

  • Look at Math Practice 2. What do you need to include in your explanation to show that you chose a good and efficient strategy for solving the problem?
  • Look at Math Practice 4. What do you need to include in your explanation to show that you checked your calculations?

Question 9 provides practice using the expanded form method. Students complete the lesson by solving Questions 10–11 in the Student Guide using multiple multiplication methods.

Use Check-In: Questions 9–11 in the Student Guide with the corresponding Feedback Box in the Teacher Guide to assess students' abilities to multiply multidigit numbers using mental math and paper-and-pencil methods (expanded form, rectangle model, all-partials, compact) [E4]; choose appropriately from among mental math, estimation, and paper-and-pencil methods to find sums, differences, and products [E6]; choose a strategy for solving the problem [MPE2]; and check their calculations [MPE4].
