Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Prepare the Digit Cards 0–9 Masters collect playing cards for Lessons 1, 4, and 8.
Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- Triangle Flash Cards: 9s
(stored in an envelope)
- calculators
- fraction circle pieces
- rulers
- Multiplication Facts I Know
- Division Facts I Know
- Addition Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Subtraction Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Fractions on Number Lines Charts (Student Guide) Reference
LESSON 1Workshop: Addition and Subtraction Strategies |
2–3 | In this Workshop, students play the Digits Game and complete problem sets to extend their understanding and flexibility with strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems and to practice the computation skills involved. Students solve a variety of problems including problems that ask them to estimate rather than calculate an exact answer. |
LESSON 2Multiplication Strategies |
2–3 | Students review paper-and-pencil methods and mental math strategies for multiplication of multidigit numbers. They solve problems, choosing whether to multiply using mental math or paper-and-pencil methods. |
LESSON 3Explore Multiplication by Multidigit Numbers |
2–3 | Students explore strategies for multiplying multidigit numbers. They begin by developing their own strategies to solve problems and then apply area models. This exploration leads to the development of methods that use rectangles and expanded form. |
LESSON 4Paper-and-Pencil Multiplication |
2 | Students explore the relationship between place value and multiplication. Students develop two paper-and-pencil strategies for multidigit multiplication—the all-partials method and the compact method. | |
LESSON 5Area Problems |
2 | Students discover and compare strategies for finding areas of rectangles and other geometric figures with straight sides. They solve multistep area problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. |
LESSON 6Problem Solving with Area |
1–2 | Students use multiplication and division strategies to solve problems involving the area and perimeter of rectangles or shapes based on rectangles. |
LESSON 7Problem Solving with Volume |
2–3 | Students use multiplication and division strategies to find the volume of boxes and solve multistep problems involving volume. |
LESSON 8Workshop: Multiplication Strategies |
3 | Students practice a variety of strategies including estimation for multiplication with multidigit numbers. They apply these strategies to multistep problems, including problems finding volume. Students play the Multiplication Digits game to practice methods and place value concepts in multidigit multiplication. |