Lesson 2

Equivalent Fractions and Ratios

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the Equivalent Fractions and Ratios Homework section in the Student Guide after Part 2. Students find equivalent fractions and ratios using tables, graphs, and computational strategies.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 1–2. In Part 2, students use mental math and paper-and-pencil strategies to solve word problems.
  • Assign DPP items C–H. In Task D, students use a best-fit line to solve problems and make predictions about a data set. Students practice skip counting by fractions in Bit E. In Tasks F and H, students use strategies to solve multiplication problems.

Math Facts. Use Bit C to provide practice with the multiplication facts for square numbers. In Bit G, students practice the multiplication and division facts for the square numbers by writing related number sentences. For Home Practice Part 1, students take home their Triangle Flash Cards for the multiplication and division facts for the square numbers to practice with a family member.
