Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it. Gather sets of fraction circle pieces.
Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- Triangle Flash Cards: Square Numbers
(stored in an envelope)
- calculators
- stopwatch or clock with a second hand
- centimeter ruler
- Multiplication Facts I Know
- Division Facts I Know
- fraction circle pieces
- Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu
LESSON 1Fractions in Simplest Form |
1–2 | Students find and represent fractions using fraction circle pieces, number lines, and symbols. The equivalent fraction with the smallest possible numerator and denominator is the simplest form of the fraction. Students use fraction circle pieces and number lines to find the simplest form of fractions. They also apply divisibility rules and common factors to reduce fractions to lowest terms numerically. |
LESSON 2Equivalent Fractions and Ratios |
3 | Students use fraction circle pieces to find fractions and ratios that are equivalent to each other. They use fractions to express a relationship between two quantities. Connections are drawn between point graphs that form a straight line and equivalent ratios. Students then find equivalent fractions using computation strategies. |
LESSON 3Using Ratios |
2–3 | Students learn to use ratios in the context of a school Fun Fair. They use ratios to produce patterns that help them find the cost of multiple items at a bake sale. They express ratios in words, tables, graphs, and fractions. |
LESSON 4Distance vs. Time |
4 | Using the TIMS Laboratory Method, students investigate the walking speed of a classmate. They review measuring length, plotting points, and drawing best-fit lines. They use the lines to find equivalent ratios and write the ratios as fractions. Students then use the ratios to solve problems. |
LESSON 5Problems of Scale |
1–2 | Students use ratios to convert between different-sized standard measurement units and to solve problems involving measurement. | |
LESSON 6Workshop: Using Equivalent Fractions and Ratios |
1–2 | This Workshop lesson provides opportunities for students to address missing concepts, practice skills, or extend their learning as needed. Students use tools such as area models, number lines, tables, and symbols to represent and identify fractions and ratios. They also use tools and strategies to find equivalent fractions and ratios, including the simplest form. |