- Linda said, “The sides opposite each other are equal in all the parallelograms.” Do you agree with Linda? Show or tell how you decided.
- Jessie said, “All the angles are equal.” Do you agree? Show or tell how you know.
- Which of these shapes are parallelograms?
- Explain why Shape B in Question 4 is or is not a parallelogram.
- Explain why Shape C is or is not a parallelogram.
- Explain why Shape G is or is not a parallelogram.
- Make a parallelogram. Use 2 or more different Power Polygons™.
The class made a list of questions to help them look for properties in shapes.
- Are the sides straight or curved? (Are the sides line segments?)
- How many sides?
- Are any sides equal?
- Are equal sides opposite each other?
- Do equal sides meet at the corners?
- How many angles?
- What size are the angles?
- Does the shape have parallel sides?
- Does the shape have line symmetry? How many lines of symmetry?
The Properties of Shapes pages in the Student Activity Book provide practice using properties to identify and describe shapes.