- Round the population of Colorado to the nearest 1 million. What two benchmarks did you use?
- Round the population of Colorado to the nearest hundred thousand. What two benchmarks did you use?
- Round the population of Florida to the nearest ten million. Name the two benchmarks you used.
- Round the population of Florida to the nearest million. What two benchmarks did you use?

Use the 2012 State Population Table 2 to answer Questions 1–5.
- Read each number aloud.
- Put the populations of Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, and Indiana in order from the smallest to the largest.
- Use expanded form to write the numbers that have a 3 or 8 in the 10,000 place.
- Use word form to write the numbers for the two states that have the reported populations closest to 3 million.
- Is the population of Kansas closer to 2,800,000 or 2,900,000?