- Work with a partner.
- Show how a base-ten hopper can start at 78,500,000 and land on 1,000,000,000.
- Write a number sentence to describe the moves of your base-ten hopper.
- Use what you know about the relationship between addition and subtraction to complete these number sentences.
78,500,000 + = 1,000,000,000
1,000,000,000 − = 78,500,000

Find Equal Number Sentences with Big Numbers
Professor Peabody looked for shorter ways to represent the moves of the base-ten hopper. He decided it would be more efficient to show the hops using multiples of ten million, one million, and a hundred thousand.
The number lines and number sentences below show two ways to represent how the base-ten hopper could move from 0 to 10,320,000.