Check-In: Questions 10–13

  1. Replace the letter with a number to make each number sentence true.
    1. 1,350,000,000 = 1,000,000,000 + n + 50,000,000
    2. 600,000,000 + 50,000,000 + d = 655,000,000
    3. 695,000,000 = n + 90,000,000 + 5,000,000
  2. Tell whether the number sentences below are true or false. Explain your thinking. You may use number lines or other strategies.
    1. 12 100,000,000 + 5,000,000 = 1,205,000,000
    2. 400,000 + 20,000 + 7,000 = 100,000 4 + 2,000 + 7,000
    3. 67,420,000 = 6 10,000,000 + 7,000,000 + 400,000 + 2 10,000
  3. Use the population table. Draw a number line or use an equation to show how to find the answers to the following questions.
    1. What is the male population of Colombia?
    2. What is the female population of Mexico?
    3. What is the total population of Pakistan?
  4. Put the total populations of each country on the World Population Number Line 1 page in your Student Activity Book.