- Separate the facts into three piles: Facts I Know Quickly, Facts I Can Figure Out, and Facts I Need to Learn.
- Discuss how you can figure out facts that you do not recall right away. Share your strategies with your partner.
- Practice the last two piles again and then make a list of the facts you need to practice at home for homework.
- Circle the facts you know quickly on your Division Facts I Know chart in the Student Activity Book.
For example, Edward knew 20 ÷ 5 = 4. So he circled the 20 in the row for a divisor of 5. - Sort the cards again. This time your partner covers the number in the circle. The number in the square is now the divisor. Solve a division fact with the two uncovered numbers.
- Discuss how you can figure out facts that you do not recall right away. Share your strategies with your partner.
- Practice the last two piles again and then make a list of the facts you need to practice at home for homework.
- Take the list and the flash cards home to practice learning the facts.

- Compare your Multiplication Facts I Know chart to your Division Facts I Know chart. Look for facts in the same fact family. Do you know any complete fact families? Which family or families? Explain.
You will continue to use Triangle Flash Cards to study other groups of facts. You will be reminded to update your Multiplication and Division Facts I Know charts. If you know one or two of the facts in a fact family, use those facts to help you learn the others.