1. This is the fraction set: , , , .
    1. Which fraction is largest?
    2. Which fraction is smallest?
    3. Which fraction is equal to ?
    4. Which fraction is close to ?
    5. Put the fractions in order from least to greatest.
  2. This is the fraction set: , , , , .
    1. Which fraction is largest?
    2. Which fraction is smallest?
    3. Which fraction is equivalent to ?
    4. Which fraction is closest to ?
    5. Put the fractions in order from least to greatest.
  3. Name three fractions between:
    1. 0 and
    2. and 1
    3. and
    4. and
    5. and 1
    6. 1 and 2

Estimate, Add, and Subtract

Self-Check: Question 14

  1. For each problem, use the Fractions on Number Lines Chart in the Reference section, fraction circle pieces, or another strategy to estimate whether the sum or difference is greater than or less than . Then solve the problem.
    1. + =
    2. =
    3. + =
    4. =
    5. Show or tell how you solved Question 14D.
    6. Were your estimates close to your calculations?