- Solve each pair of related facts. Name two other facts in the same fact family.
- 5 2 = ? and 2 5 =?
- 10 3 = ? and 3 10 = ?
- 10 5 = ? and 50 ÷ 10 = ?
- 6 5 = ? and 30 ÷ 5 = ?
- For each related fact, write the complete number sentence.
- 8 5 ÷ ________
________ ÷ 5 = ________
________ ÷ 8 = ________
5 ________ = ________ - 7 10 + ________
________ ÷ ________ = 7
________ ÷ 7 = ________
10 ________ = ________ - 90 ÷ ________ = 9
________ 10 = ________
________ ÷ 9 = ________
________ 9 = ________ - 5 ________ = 45
45 ÷ ________ = ________
9 ________ = ________
45 ÷ ________ = ________ - What is 5 5? Name a related fact for 5 5. Is there more than one?
- What is 10 10? Name a related fact for 10 10. Is there more than one?
- The numbers 25 and 100 are square numbers. How are the fact families for the square numbers different from other fact families?
- Solve the given fact. Then name other facts in the same fact family.
- 10 6 = ?
- 20 ÷ 10 = ?
- 7 5 = ?
- 80 ÷ 8 = ?
- 15 ÷ 3 = ?
- 4 10 = ?
- 3 5 = ?
- 10 ÷ 2 = ?
Division Facts and Triangle Flash Cards
With a partner, use the directions and your Triangle Flash Cards: 5s and 10s to practice the division facts.

- One partner covers the number in the square. This number will be the quotient—the answer to a division problem. The number in the circle is the divisor.
- The second person solves a division fact with the two uncovered numbers as shown.