1. Here is another number line.
    1. How many equal parts is the distance from 0 to 1 divided into?
    2. What is a fraction label for point A?
    3. Find on the number line. What is another fraction for that point?
  2. This is a number line from 0 to 3. The distance between each whole number is divided into fourths. The labels show the distance from 0.
    1. What is the unit whole?
    2. Some of the points have been labeled. Tell how to label the rest of this number line.
    3. Tell another way to label this number line with equivalent fractions. For example, the point could also be labeled 1.
    4. Joe Smart labeled the number line this way:

      What would you say to Joe to help him?

      Use the Show Fractions on Number Lines and Represent Fractions pages in the Student Activity Book to practice showing fractions in a variety of ways.