1. Write the ratio of peanuts to sugar in the recipe for Peanut Brittle Number Two.
    1. Write this ratio as a fraction.
    2. Write this ratio with a colon.
  2. Write the ratio of sugar to peanuts in the recipe for Peanut Brittle Number Two.
    1. Write this ratio as a fraction.
    2. Write this ratio with a colon.
  3. David and Edward will make Peanut Brittle Number Two for the whole class. They will use 4 cups of peanuts. How much sugar do they need? Explain how you solved this problem.
  4. Felicia and Arti will make Peanut Brittle Number One. They will use 4 cups of peanuts. How much sugar do they need? Explain how you solved this problem.
  1. If Felicia and Arti use 6 cups of sugar to make Peanut Brittle Number One, how many cups of peanuts do they need? Show your solution using a proportion:
  2. If David and Edward use 5 cups of peanuts to make Peanut Brittle Number Two, how much sugar do they need? Show your solution using a proportion: