1. Draw a picture of the lab. Be sure the steps are clear and the variables are labeled.
    • Use t for number of tagged beans in a sample and n for total number of beans in a sample.
    • Use T for number of tagged beans in the bag and N for total number of beans in the bag.
  2. What variables are involved in the lab?
    1. What do you know before you start taking samples and collecting data?
    2. What will you be able to find out when you finish the experiment?
  3. Why is it important to mix the tagged beans thoroughly with the untagged beans?
  1. Collect the data. Record the number of tagged beans (t) and the total number of beans (n) for each of the 12 samples. Use the Bats in a Cave Data Table page in the Student Activity Book.
  2. Use the data table to write the number of tagged beans in a sample as a common fraction and a decimal fraction.
  3. Compare the numbers in the Fraction of Sample column. Are the numbers similar? Did the sample size affect the ratio of tagged beans in the sample?
  4. If the ratios are all similar, what will a graph of the data look like?