1. Jackie measured her calculator to the nearest meter and found it to be 0 meters long. What does this measurement (0 m) tell you? What unit will give you a better measurement for this length?
  2. Sometimes it is good enough to measure to the nearest whole meter. Sometimes it is not. Usually, it does not make sense to measure a calculator to the nearest meter. List two things that probably should not be measured to the nearest meter.
  3. List two things that you would measure to the nearest meter.

Decimeters (dm)

  1. How many skinnies can you line up on a meterstick? Line them up along a meterstick to find out.
  2. The length of one skinny is a decimeter. The symbol for decimeter is dm. How many dm are in 1 meter? How many dm are in meter?
  3. A decimeter is of a meter. What do you think deci- means?
  4. As a class, measure the same objects from Question 4, but this time to the nearest whole decimeter. Record the data on the appropriate Class Measurement Tables in the Student Activity Book.
  5. John measured a paper clip to the nearest decimeter and found it to be 0 decimeters long. What information does this measurement tell you? What unit will give you a better measurement for a paper clip?
  6. Sometimes it is good enough to measure to the nearest whole decimeter. Sometimes it is not. List two things that should be measured to the nearest decimeter.