Centimeters (cm)
A century is 100 years; a centennial is a 100-year anniversary; a centipede is said to have 100 legs. What do you think cent- means?
A centimeter is of a meter and a cent is
of a dollar. In other words, there are 100 centimeters in a meter and 100 cents in a dollar.
- How many bits can you line up along a meterstick? How did you decide?
- How long is a bit?
- As a class, measure the same objects from Question 4. This time measure to the nearest whole centimeter. Record the data on the appropriate Class Measurement Table in the Student Activity Book.
- List two things it makes sense to measure to the nearest whole centimeter. List two things it does not make sense to measure in centimeters.
- Find an object that measures less than 1 centimeter.