Check-In: Questions 12–13

  1. Jacob's car in the Downhill Racer lab traveled 1.78 meters on the first try and 2.06 meters on the second try. Compare the first try to the second try. How much farther did the car travel?
  2. Shannon walked directly from her home to school in the morning. After school, she stopped at the park on her way home. Using the distances shown on Shannon's map, compare her walk to school to her walk home. How much farther did she walk?

Solve these problems by using number lines, thinking about money, or using mental math.

    1. 0.6 + 2.8 = ?
    2. 3.80 − 0.07 = ?
    3. 2.66 + 2.66 = ?
    4. 5.3 − 0.6 + 2.2 = ?
  1. Frank wants to buy a slice of pizza, an apple, and a drink. He has $6.00. Does he have enough money? Explain.
  2. Shannon's Downhill Racer car traveled 2.68 meters on the first try and 3.11 meters on the second try. Compare the first try to the second try. How much farther did the car travel?