Complete these questions after playing Hundredths, Hundredths, Hundredths.

  1. Lee Yah and Jerome were playing Hundredths, Hundredths, Hundredths. Jerome tried to trick Lee Yah by making this number:

    For her fractions Lee Yah wrote and 0.023 and said, “Twenty-three hundredths.” Lee Yah said she should earn 3 points.

    Jerome thought that Lee Yah was wrong, but he couldn't explain why. What do you think?
  2. Write the common fraction and decimal for the next number Jerome made.
  3. Write the common fraction and decimal for Lee Yah's next number.
  4. Jessie and Roberto were playing. Roberto made this number. Write the common fraction and decimal fraction for Roberto's number.
  5. Jessie made 6.48. Use base-ten shorthand to show this number.
  6. Roberto wanted to build the number 9.06. Use base-ten shorthand to show what pieces he should use.
  7. Jessie wrote nine and six-hundredths as 9.6. Explain why this is incorrect.

Measuring a Hundredth of a Meter

  1. Jerome measured several distances. They are labeled on the metersticks below. Write each distance to the nearest hundredth of a meter.