1. Mrs. Dewey's class recorded the number for these pieces.
    Romesh recorded 5.80. Jessie recorded 5.8. Frank recorded 5. Grace recorded 5. Which student is correct? Use base-ten pieces to explain your answer.
  1. Get a handful of mixed skinnies and bits and count them by hundredths. Count the skinnies first (ten-hundredths, twenty-hundredths, thirty- hundredths, etc.) and then count on for the bits. When you finish, write the decimal number and the common fraction for your handful.

Base-Ten Shorthand

Tanya used the following base-ten pieces to show the number 3.45.

She showed her pieces using base-ten shorthand.

Tanya explained how she counted the base-ten pieces.

  1. Use base-ten pieces to make these numbers. Then use base-ten shorthand to show the pieces. A flat is one whole.
    1. 2.34
    2. 0.08
    3. 0.30
    4. 13.42
    5. 3.04
    1. Show how you counted the base-ten pieces for Question 12A.
  2. Write a decimal and a common fraction for the base-ten shorthand below: