You will use circles and pieces of circles to study fractions. Use all the pieces with these colors in your fraction circle set to answer Questions 5–12.

  1. Each of these circle pieces is divided into thirds using other pieces. This means a shape is divided into three equal parts. Build these figures with circle pieces. Place three aqua pieces on a pink piece and three orange pieces on a red circle.
    1. Which piece covers one-third () of the pink piece?
    2. Which piece covers of the red circle?
    3. Find all the ways to cover two-thirds () of the pink piece using one color.
    4. Find all the ways to cover of the red circle using one color.
  2. A red circle covered with two pink pieces shows a unit whole divided into halves. What other ways can you show a unit whole divided into halves using the fraction pieces?
  3. Show a unit whole divided into sixths as many ways as you can using the circle pieces.