Model and Multiply

You can think of decimals as fractions with denominators of 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
 or 0.1
 or 0.25
 or 0.052
 = or 0.4
Since decimal numbers are fractions, you can use what you know about multiplying fractions to help you think about multiplying decimals.
  1. This grid shows or 0.1. This grid shows 3 0.1.
    1. Is 3 0.1 greater than or less than 3?
    2. Describe how the decimal moves from its place in 3 to its place in 0.3 when you multiply
      3 0.1.
    3. How many times smaller is 0.3 than 3?
  2. This grid shows or 0.1. This grid shows 3 0.01.
    1. Is 3 0.01 greater than or less than 3?
    2. Describe how the decimal moves from its place in 3 to its place in 0.03 when you multiply
      3 0.01.
    3. How many times smaller is 0.03 than 3?