Model and Multiply
You can think of decimals as fractions with denominators of 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
Since decimal numbers are fractions, you can use what you know about multiplying fractions to help you think about multiplying decimals.
- This grid shows
or 0.1. This grid shows 3 0.1.
- Is 3 0.1 greater than or less than 3?
- Describe how the decimal moves from its place in 3 to its place in 0.3 when you multiply
3 0.1. - How many times smaller is 0.3 than 3?
- This grid shows
or 0.1. This grid shows 3 0.01.
- Is 3 0.01 greater than or less than 3?
- Describe how the decimal moves from its place in 3 to its place in 0.03 when you multiply
3 0.01. - How many times smaller is 0.03 than 3?