Use Benchmarks

In the table below, 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 are used as benchmarks to sort decimals. Benchmarks are convenient numbers for comparing and ordering numbers.

- Look for patterns within each column.
- How are the decimals near 0 alike?
- How are the decimals near 0.1 alike?
- How are the decimals near 0.5 alike?
- How are the decimals near 1 alike?
- How can you tell if a decimal is much greater than 1?
- Use the Decimals Sorting Table in the Student Activity Book to sort these decimals. You may use the decimal grids or the hundredths circle wheel to model the decimals.
- Take turns with your partner and explain how you decided where to place each number on the table.
- Add these decimals to the Decimals Sorting Table.
- 0.819
- 0.11
- 0.011
- 1.075
- 0.452
- 23.56