Lee Yah decided that she needed another kind of fraction circle piece.

    1. Each hundredth circle is divided into equal sections using long lines. How many of these sections are on one hundredths circle?
    2. What fraction of the circle does each of these sections represent?
    3. Which fraction circle piece is equal to one of these sections on the hundredths circle?
    1. Each of these sections is divided into smaller parts using tick marks. Into how many smaller parts is each of these sections divided?
    2. What fraction of the circle does each of the smaller sections represent?
    3. How many hundredths are there in each tenth of the circle? = .

Use a Small Hundredths Circle from the Student Activity Book and fraction circle pieces to answer Question 15–19.

    1. One yellow fraction piece is equal to of the red circle. Use the hundredths circle to show a fraction equal to .
    2. Complete the number sentence: = .
    3. Write a decimal fraction that is equal to of the hundredths circle.
    1. Use the hundredths circle wheel to show .
    2. Name a fraction with a denominator of 100 that is equal to .
    3. Write a decimal fraction that is equal to of the hundredths circle.
  1. Complete each statement.