bar graph
A graph that uses bars to show data.
![bar graph example](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B01.png)
pages 4, 6, 10, 11, 17, 42–43, 46
base (of an exponent)
When exponents are used, the number being multiplied is the base. In 34 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 81, 3 is the base and the 4 is the exponent.
![example of a a base and exponent](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B02.png)
page 94
base-ten hoppers
A hopper that can make hops with distances of one, ten, one hundred, and one thousand on number lines. Base-ten hoppers can go forward or backward.
![base-ten hopper](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B03.png)
pages 116–122, 123, 227, 482
base-ten pieces
A set of blocks used to model our number system. Note that a skinny is made of 10 bits, a flat is made of 100 bits, and a pack is made of 1000 bits.
![chart with base-ten pieces](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B04.png)
pages 108, 111–113, 115, 128–131, 133–134, 137–139, 143, 227–231, 264, 266, 284–285, 459–461, 467–472
base-ten recording sheet
A tool used to help organize base-ten pieces when they are used to represent numbers. In the example, the number 236 is represented.
![base-ten recording sheet example](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B05_REV.png)
pages 108, 113, 128, 131, 135, 137
base-ten shorthand
A picture drawn to represent the base-ten pieces.
![chart with base-ten shorthand key](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B09.png)
pages 112–115, 128–129, 135, 139, 227, 459–461, 469–470, 472–473
Numbers convenient for comparing and ordering numbers;
e.g., 0, , and 1 are convenient benchmarks for comparing and ordering fractions.
pages 147–148, 232, 238–240, 317–319
best-fit line
The line that comes closest to the points on a point graph.
![graph showing example of best-fit line](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B06.png)
pages 29, 167, 188, 190, 195, 225, 248–249, 476, 563, 565, 574, 576
binning data
Placing data from a data set with a large number of values or large range into intervals in order to more easily see patterns in the data.
The smallest of the base-ten pieces that is often used to represent 1. (See also base-ten pieces.)
pages 108, 112, 115, 228–230, 470
break-apart products
Breaking a number in a multiplication problem into smaller numbers to create easier numbers to multiply by, then adding the parts together to find the total of the original problem.
![example of break-apart products method](/img/g4/glossary/G4V3_GLO_B08_NEW.png)
pages 86–87, 103–105