Answer the following questions using your graph:

  1. Imagine if the height of the ramp were 10 cm.
    1. How far would your car roll? H = 10 cm; Predicted D = ?
    2. Did you interpolate or extrapolate?
    3. Check your prediction. H = 10 cm; Actual D = ?
    4. Was your predicted distance close to the actual distance?
  2. Imagine if the height of the ramp were 16 cm.
    1. How far would your car roll? H = 16 cm; Predicted D = ?
    2. Did you interpolate or extrapolate?
    3. Check your prediction. H = 16 cm; Actual D = ?
    4. Was your predicted distance close to the actual distance?
    1. Predict how high the ramp should be if you want the car to roll 1.5 m. Explain how you found your answer.
    2. Check your prediction. How close did your car roll to 1.5 m?
  3. Sometimes knowing one variable helps in predicting another.
    1. Does knowing the height of the ramp (H) help you predict what the distance rolled (D) will be?
    2. Does knowing the distance rolled (D) help you predict what the height of the ramp (H) was?
    3. As the height of the ramp (H) increases, how does the distance (D) change?
  4. Imagine doing the experiment again, this time letting the car go from a lower starting point on the ramp. Would your new line look like Line A or Line B? Explain why you think so.