Solve these division problems. Check your answers by using a calculator.
- 6 ÷ 2
60 ÷ 2
600 ÷ 2
6000 ÷ 2
60,000 ÷ 2 - 9 ÷ 3
90 ÷ 3
900 ÷ 3
9000 ÷ 3
90,000 ÷ 3 - 12 ÷ 3
120 ÷ 3
1200 ÷ 3
12,000 ÷ 3
120,000 ÷ 3 - 40 ÷ 5
400 ÷ 5
4000 ÷ 5
40,000 ÷ 5
400,000 ÷ 5 - 60 ÷ 30
600 ÷ 30
600 ÷ 300
6000 ÷ 30
6000 ÷ 300 - 90 ÷ 10
900 ÷ 10
900 ÷ 100
9000 ÷ 10
9000 ÷ 100 - 240 ÷ 40
2400 ÷ 40
2400 ÷ 400
24,000 ÷ 40
24,000 ÷ 400 - 450 ÷ 5
4500 ÷ 50
4500 ÷ 500
45,000 ÷ 50
45,000 ÷ 500 - Show or tell how you solved the problems in Question 2C. If you used a rule, describe how the rule works.
Solve the following problems. Show how you checked to see if your answer is reasonable.
- Some campers want to go boating. Each boat can safely hold 4 people. There are 40 boats and 158 campers.
- Can they all go boating?
- Will all the boats be full?
- Each camper has a journal and writes four pages a day. Each page holds about 300 words and Luis wrote 6000 words.
- How many pages did Luis use in his journal?
- How many days did he write?