- Keenya practiced several four-minute speeches in preparation for the debates. She presented these speeches a total of 1800 minutes throughout the semester. How many speeches did she give?
- Jacob and Michael each solved the problem in Question 10.
Jacob's way:Michael's way:
- How are Jacob and Michael's solutions alike? How are they different?
- What is Jacob's first partial quotient?
- What is Michael's first partial quotient?
- Which partial quotient would you start with? Why?
- Who used fewer steps? How did he do that?
- Can you solve this problem using fewer steps? If so, how?
Play the Division Digits Game in the Student Activity Book with a classmate.

Use the Multiplication and Division Facts page and the Division Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.
- The candy-wrapping machine at TIMS Candy Company grabs 6 Chocos at a time and wraps them in 1 second.
- About how many times must the candy-wrapping machine run in order to wrap 5000 Chocos?
- Will it take more or less than 30 minutes to wrap all of these candies? How did you decide?