LESSON 8 Spreading Out
Mr. Moreno spilled a cup of coffee on his desk. Arti and Jessie ran to get some paper towels to clean up the coffee.

“Don't grab those school towels!” said Arti. “They don't absorb much.”
“I'll get the paper towels from over the sink,” said Jessie.
“Thanks,” said Mr. Moreno. “I was afraid the coffee would run everywhere.”
“How much liquid can a paper towel absorb?” asked Jessie.

“We can always test the paper towels to find out,” said Arti.
“That's a great idea for an experiment,” said Mr. Moreno. “We want to know how many drops of water a paper towel can take up, or absorb.”
“We can test each towel by dropping a few drops of water from an eyedropper onto it.”