1. How does Professor Peabody's solution compare to yours?
  2. Why did Professor Peabody subtract 2250 − 1200? What did he do with the answer to that subtraction?
  3. When did Professor Peabody decide he was done solving the problem? Do you agree that he finished the problem?
  4. Why is there a remainder? What does the remainder mean in the problem?

Use Professor Peabody's Rectangle Model to solve the problems on the How Far Down the Aisle pages in the Student Activity Book.

Check-In: Questions 23–29

Solve each problem using one of the following methods from the Division Strategies Menu in the Reference section.


Show or tell how you solved the problem and tell how you decided which method to use. Use each method at least once.

  1. 99 ÷ 4
  2. 2054 ÷ 5
  1. Mr. Moreno is cutting yarn for an art project. He has 461 feet of yarn and wants to cut the yarn into pieces that are exactly four feet long. How many pieces can he cut?
  2. Maya's mother gave her 596 beads to make necklaces. She wants to make six necklaces. How many beads should she string onto each necklace?
  3. Romesh saved $196 of the pay he got for mowing lawns. Each week he saved $7 of his pay. Romesh is having trouble remembering how many weeks he worked. Give Romesh a list of two math facts to help him estimate.