1. Luis spends about 450 minutes on chores and 450 minutes on homework during the five-day school week.
    1. How many minutes per school week does Luis spend on chores and homework?
    2. How many minutes per day does Luis spend during the school week on chores and homework?
    3. How many hours per day does Luis spend on chores and homework?
  2. Ana's violin teacher told her if she practiced 10,000 hours she would be an expert violinist.
    1. If Ana practices 30 hours every month, about how many months will it take her to be an expert?
    2. About how many years?
    3. About how many hours a month would Ana have to practice to be an expert in ten years?
    4. About how many hours a day would she have to practice?
  3. Ana wants to earn money to go to summer music camp. Three weeks cost $1710. About how much money will Ana need to earn for one week of music camp?
  4. Ana and Maya earned $660 dollars helping Mrs. Garcia with her housework on the weekend. She paid them each $15 a week. How many weeks did they work for Mrs. Garcia?