Lesson 2

Repeated Addition and Multiplication

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have number lines and 200 Charts readily available. Ask students to share their strategies and solutions.

  1. Yes; 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40¢; I would have 60 cents left over.
  2. Yes; 45 + 45 + 10 = 100¢ or $1.00.
  3. Yes; five twenties is 100 or $1.00.
  4. No; 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 = 102¢, which is more than $1.00.

F. School Supplies

eraser   8¢              pen     45¢               pencil     10¢

sticker   17¢            ruler    20¢

You have $1.00.

  1. Do you have enough money to buy four pencils?
    Show how you know.

    How much would you have left? _______________________
  2. Can you buy two pens and one pencil? _______________________
  3. Can you buy 5 rulers? _______________________
  4. Can you buy 6 stickers? Show your strategy for finding the answer.