Lesson 3

Many Ways to Make a Hexagon

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Developing the Lesson

Display the blue rhombus, trapezoid, triangle, and hexagon pattern blocks.

  • Which shape is a hexagon? How can you tell? (It has six sides and six corners.)

Use a display of The First Grade Times page in the Student Activity Book to introduce using other pattern blocks to create hexagons. Tell students they can use a strategy called trial and error to work on this problem. Some combinations will work; others will not. Come to an agreement that one hexagon is not a solution.

Divide the students into pairs to explore possible combinations. Students can record their solutions on the First Grade Times page, using crayons or markers. Demonstrate how to fill in one solution. Point out that the dotted lines are guides and they do not mean that triangles are always used. As students work, they should outline and color the shapes they use with the color of blocks they represent.


Each student pair should have a generous supply of pattern blocks since some will want to find many ways before recording their work.

Encourage students to find as many different arrangements as they can. Facilitate discussions about whether arrangements should be counted as alike or different. If they consider arrangements that differ by a flip or a turn to be the same (see Figure 1), then there are eight possible arrangements as shown in Figure 2.

As they work together in pairs, ask questions that encourage students to identify and name the shapes, focus on the properties of the shapes, or probe their understanding of alike and different.

  • What shape did you just make? (hexagon)
  • Describe how you made it. What shapes did you use to make the hexagon? (Possible response: triangles and rhombuses)
  • How many of each shape did you use? (Possible response: two triangles and two rhombuses)
  • What shapes can you put together to make a rhombus? (2 triangles)
  • What shapes can you put together to make a trapezoid? (3 triangles or a triangle and a rhombus)
  • Can you find a side on the rhombus that matches a side of a triangle? (yes)
  • How can knowing what shapes you can put together to make a rhombus and trapezoid help you find ways to make a hexagon? (Possible response: It gives more ways that I didn't think of, like when I used the rhombus I could use two triangles instead.)

Tell students you will not answer an individual's question unless he or she first discusses the question with his or her partner. If both partners agree that they cannot answer the question, then both students should raise their hands.

  • Look at these two solutions. Are they alike or different? (Answers will vary.)

Some students may not understand that two hexagons both showing six triangles are the same. Others will not be able to discriminate between solutions that are merely rotations of one another.

  • What shapes did you use to make the two hexagons? Did you use the same number of each shape in both?
  • If you turn (rotate) this solution, does it look the same as the other?
  • How is this arrangement different from this one? (Possible response: They use different shapes. This one uses all triangles and this one uses triangles and rhombuses.)

Observe students as they work to find partitions of the hexagon on the First Grade Times page with the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to identify and name two-dimensional shapes [E1]; compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes [E4]; justify their reasoning [E5]; and communicate their solutions with words and pictures [MPE5]. Give students time to complete a few solutions, then circulate through the classroom and have students explain their thinking by asking questions such as:

  • What shapes did you use to make this hexagon?
  • How many of each shape did you use?
  • How did you know which shapes to use?
  • Are there pattern blocks you could put together to make other shapes?
  • Were there any pattern block shapes that did not work? Why?
A flip and turn of the same combination
Eight ways to make a hexagon