Lesson 5

Button Solutions

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask students to solve the problem on the Ming’s Buttons pages in the Student Activity Book. Remind students to show their work and label their work. When students are done, direct them to swap their papers with a partner. The partner will review the work and provide feedback on the Feedback Box. As students are discussing their work, circulate throughout the room helping them evaluate how well they met the Expectations and comment on their Feedback Box. Have a few students share the work they reviewed and then share the feedback they provided.

  • How did they solve the problem?
  • What feedback did you provide?
  • Did they label their work?
  • What feedback did you provide?

Use the feedback box on the Ming’s Buttons pages to have students assess each other’s abilities to show their work [MPE5] and use labels [MPE6].
