Display the class number line (0–130) and the prepared
Number Line Display
Master where students
can see and reach it with a pointer. See Materials Preparation for Lesson 1.
Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student’s desk to use throughout the year.
Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Gather a collection of buttons. Each student will need about 50 buttons.
Gather small paper cups. See Materials Preparation for Lesson 4.
Gather and prepare small plastic bags of buttons. See Materials Preparation for Lesson 1.
Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
- You and your students will need:
Triangle Flash Cards: Group C
(Teacher Guide)
Addition Facts I Knowchart from Unit 1 Lesson 4 (Teacher Guide)
200 Chart (Student Activity Book) Reference
20 connecting cubes
number lines
coin jars and coins from Unit 1 Lesson 1
buttons or counters
a collection of nickels and dimes
LESSON 1All Sorts of Buttons |
2 | Students group and classify buttons with a variety of characteristics. The lesson begins with the book The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid, a story about a child who examines the many different buttons in Grandma’s button box. Student pairs estimate the number of buttons in a collection. Through a discussion, students create a list of characteristics by which to sort a bag of buttons. Then they choose a sorting method, sort buttons, and record the results in a drawing. |
LESSON 2Handful of Buttons |
2 | Students demonstrate their estimation and number sense skills. They estimate the number of buttons in their handful, group them to make counting easier, and skip count to find the total. They sort a handful of buttons, draw a picture of the sorted groups, and count the buttons according to the groupings. Students then make a class data table and a graph. The class analyzes the results, draws conclusions, and makes predictions based on the results. |
LESSON 3Button Sizer |
1–2 | Students collect, record, and graph data while they measure the size of buttons. Pairs of students sort a handful of buttons by size and then decide how to record their data in a table and on a bar graph. |
LESSON 4Button Place Value |
2 | Students estimate and count a large collection of buttons. First they estimate the total number of buttons and brainstorm ways to group and count them. Then they work in small groups to sort and count the buttons and record their totals. The class works together to find the total number of buttons in the collection and compare group totals. |
LESSON 5Button Solutions |
2 | Students solve word problems with buttons or connecting cubes and show their solutions. They use the Math Practices page in the Student Activity Book to assess their work and provide feedback to other students. |