Lesson 3

Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and Ones

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Introduce Packs

Understand the Base-Ten Relationship. Students work with a full set of base-ten pieces to extend their understanding of the relationships between the pieces: 10 pieces of one size have the same value as one piece of the next larger size.

Students have begun to realize that the reason we look for the fewest pieces in a partition of a number is that this representation matches the digits in the number. When represented this way, the number of bits (ones) is the first digit from the right. The number of skinnies (tens) is the second digit from the right and so on.

Building Packs. Distribute packs (10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm blocks), flats, skinnies, and bits. Ask student pairs to examine the pieces and answer Questions 1–3 in the Student Guide. These questions reinforce the relationship between pieces: one pack has the same value as 10 flats, 100 skinnies, or 1000 bits.

Play Make a Pack. Have students follow the directions on the Make a Pack pages in the Student Activity Book as you demonstrate playing the game with a student using a display of the Make a Pack Game Board. This is similar to the Make a Flat game in Lesson 2, but it uses skinnies and flats to build packs. Students stack pieces on top of each other until a pack is completed.

  • How do you find your “Running Total”? (Possible response: We just count the number of flats and then the number of skinnies. The flats tell how many hundreds: 3 flats is 300. We can count the skinnies by tens: 5 skinnies is 50. So 3 flats and 5 skinnies is 350.)

Have student pairs play the game.

Be sure students understand that the pack is a physical model that represents a solid cube. Our research indicated that some students misunderstand the model and only count what they see on the faces of the cube. Some students thought six flats, or equivalently, 600 bits, were in a pack because they could see only six faces. The Make a Pack game will help students with this idea.
